Hive insights

Why should you "listen" to Telegram groups?

In one sentence? Because you can gather many insights there so should not give up such a tool. To begin with, it's important to understand that the Telegram platform offers many public channels and communities  that can be monitored just like other social platforms. smart monitoring of the platform provides a glimpse into real conversations - those that reveal what the leading topics in discourse are, the level of engagement they generate, and how strong the sentiment they evoke among different groups in society. In fact, monitoring Telegram groups can be useful for any party trying to track its presence in public channels.

Okay, this is the stage where you wonder how politicians or brands can listen to Telegram groups. The first step is to understand the platform. True, some of the content available there may be hard to digest, and some Telegram users feel that it's allowed to say there what's forbidden on other platforms, but as mentioned - it's an ocean of information you must swim in.

The second step is to create a list of groups relevant to your needs. Smart monitoring technologies like will allow you to track what's happening in these groups and provide you with practical data. You know, main conversation topics, general sentiment, engagement rate, etc. By the way, you can also join public groups or channels relevant to your industry or audience yourself. This way, you can directly follow conversations and various trends.

The third step is creating a dedicated Telegram group for your brand or party. Eventually, it's a proven way to create direct contact with the audience, encourage discussions important to you, or receive feedback".

Another smart action you can take is using bots. More precisely, Telegram bots that follow keywords, specific phrases, hot topics, etc. These bots will notify you about relevant conversations and help you generate a lot of value for your strategic activity. Here are some additional advantages of listening to Telegram groups:

1. Real-time feedback. The cliché that knowledge is power may be worn out, but it's still true, and you want to receive this knowledge in time. Brands and political entities that are attentive to immediate feedback on messages, products, services, or marketing campaigns they've launched - will be able to make quick adjustments and improvements, and prevent potential storms before they get out of control.

2. Understanding the target audience and its needs. Politicians who manage to better understand the needs and wants of their audience, and shape their proposals or activities accordingly - will always be perceived as up-to-date and accessible. Listening to Telegram discussions can focus and maximize this understanding.

3. Competitive insights. Monitoring Telegram groups can provide you with enormous information about competitors' activities and strategies. Just like being a fly on the wall in their strategy room.

4. Trend identification and crisis management. Social platforms in general are a popular habitat for developing trends, and Telegram is no different in this sense. Identifying these trends (as well as negative sentiments) in time will allow brands and political parties to stay updated, and even prepare quickly for marketing defense, as needed.

5. Increased engagement. That is, with your audience. The kind of things achieved only through active participation in groups, communicating with users on a more personal level, and building their trust and loyalty.

6. Collaboration with influencers. Politicians' communication strategy can greatly improve thanks to collaboration with influencers and opinion leaders of Telegram groups. Accurate identification of them is, of course, the first step here.

7. Well, and of course - money. Market research and consumer insight gathering cost money. Listening to Telegram groups saves surveys, focus groups, and other expenses that might be unnecessary.

In conclusion, listening to Telegram groups is another tool that must find its way into your toolbox. The fact that it's a distinct 'real-time' platform, together with smart methodologies that know how to monitor, analyze, and draw conclusions quickly - makes its use essential for many political brands. Giving up this tool means you're losing valuable insights, losing information that saves money and headaches, and losing in the battle against your competitors who are there. Sticking to some of the rules of thumb we've detailed here can greatly ease your integration into Telegram, and will accelerate your positive output from the many advantages we've discussed.