Hive Networks


Hive Clusters uses our state-of-the-art database tools and technologies to generate micro-clusters based on audience characteristics, behavior, and sentiment.

Hive’s real-time platform based on social media behavior creates a comparative snapshot of each microcluster and analyzes changes in trends, attitudes, narratives, and sentiment over time.

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Hive’s methodology provides customers with a set of actionable insights about each microcluster

  • Influential voices

    Who are the personalities that are influencing the cluster?

  • Response to events

    How the cluster reacts to select events

  • Willingness to change

    Locating audiences that are open to other ideas and positions

  • Evolution over time

    Trends and changes in sentiment toward issues over time

  • Sentiment toward issues

    What is the sentiment within the cluster regarding a specific topic?

  • Trending topics

    What interests the cluster right now

  • Basic characteristics

    The size of the cluster and its level of activity

  • Key terms

    The words and phrases to which members of the cluster respond

The Process

Hive generates significant benefits for social, public, commercial, and political organizations